I believe that ever since women started working, they have had less time to sufficiently take care of their children. Many of the husbands have left them to take care of all the roles because now they don't have to be responsible for all the finances and all the family, they have not helped the women and they did not foster the idea of a partnership.
Many women now also don't want to take care of the children. I know it sounds antique, but most women are better care takers of the house and children. Most men are better with maintaining control and discipline. If each were to play the roles that they are good at, everyone would be happier. Instead day cares raise our children, not with the love that parents do. They can't. So our children become machines on the production line. And this has adversely affected the children.
(Believe it or not, 15 years ago, I was a feminist. Now, I love my children more than anything. )
Additionally, their food intake, the medications, the fathers' inability to be the responsible leader, and the loving and yet firm parent, the marriage issues between parents..... on and on. These things all have an effect on the raising of our children.
Most do not want to hear this, but there is a manual on how to live life on earth. It was inspired by the spirit of the God that created the universe. If that manual is followed, our strife on this earth is less. HE built us in specific ways, with specific needs and internal workings. So the manual describes how he built us, and how we should be. Start reading the bible, and read it with an open mind. We are human, we did not create the universe so we cannot begin to understand its workings... without first knowing the creator. He did it all with a purpose. If you do this reading, trust me everything in your world will change and the peace you seek will be found, maybe not immediately because we hold back ourselves and don't allow that transformation. We only allow access to small pieces at a time, so we transform small pieces at a time.
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